Sunday 9 January 2011

A Little Bit Of Background... So You Get To Know A Little Bit More About Me :-)

I just thought i'd let you know a little bit about myself as everyone that has tietze's knows... there is usually something that (unfortunately) brings it on.

... It all started at the beginning of last year, the 23rd January (not something very hard for me to forget). I was at a house party with my friends as well as some people that i didn't know but you always tend to find that at parties. You never know everyone. I'm not very good with meeting new people on nights out though because i'm very sceptic that you're actually meeting the real person and that you're just meeting the drunk version so i tend to stay with my friends and enjoy myself instead. 
In hindsight, i'd do anything to take back being there that night. It is my one and only regret. Anyways, we were all having a few drinks and i was chatting with all the girlies and everything was great. Fun, fun, fun. We weren't drunk at all... not even close, just a little tipsy but having fun catching up on our gossip we had missed during the week and generally having a giggle. I then started to have sudden but sharp and painful pains shoot up and down my left arm. PANIC. It was agony!!! The pains in my chest were unbearable. I couldn't help but try and control the pains in my left arm by grabbing my arm and doing this weird arm grab as if to try and ease cramp. It was very strange. I knew something was wrong so panic started to set in. I somehow got myself to the frontdoor so i could have cold air hit me. I was hoping for it to kick start my body into getting the strength to get home as i ws only a street away and i knew my dad could help. I didn't know what he'd do but my dad has never let me down. I'm a daddy's girl through and through and i just wanted my dad. I don't know what i'd do without him. He's a cool dude and i love him to bits :-) Its all a bit of a blur after that really but i remember dribs and drabs...

I was literally thrown into the back of my sisters boyfriends car and i remember him and my sister saying that they were taking me to Grantham hospital which is a good 25 minutes drive away. I never thought i'd make it because the pain was unbearable.
I have never been religious but you always need a sense of comfort during times like that whether its hypocrisy or not. So, i prayed. I prayed that the pain would stop. I prayed that i would be able to see my family just one more time so i could tell them that i love them. And i prayed that i would be able to be around when my sister had her baby. She was 6 months pregnant at the time and i couldn't wait to be an auntie. I just wanted to see my niece's little face. I prayed that if He gave me all of that, i would happily go.

Things at this point get very grainy as the next thing i remember is being in a hospital bed having blood taken. I was being made to take 4 little yellow pills and the people i arrived with had left. Strange :-S

I remember sleeping lots and waking up for brief spells when i was having my blood presure taken or more blood taken from me.

The turning point of my life came when my parents and sister came to see me in hospital and they found out from the nurse that i had been given a large amount of mephadrone aka bubbles aka miaow aka the drug that is taking lots of young lifes!!!! They had heard from my sisters boyfriend that the people i was unsure about at the party were taking that 'legal' drug at the time and he thought it had maybe been slipped into my drink.
So, the blood tests results came back and i had a total of 7 very dangerous poisons in my blood stream. It was like i was on another planet because nothing bothered me. It was just like a terrible dream and i wanted to wake up.
I didn't realise at the time i had a years worth of misdiagnosis to look forward to and was going to be bed bound for a good 6 months in constant pain plus i was going to have more allergic reactions than an entire ward full of people, so looking back... in that hospital bed, i was in a pretty good place.

Needless to say from this incident, i had long term problems and lost a lot of 'friends' because they were only interested in me if i could go out and i couldn't. I was bed bound for 6 months and had to give up everything i loved doing. I wasn't with Sean (my boyfriend) at the time so my dad was constantly running around after me and caring for me 24/7. It was very tedious and frustrating beyond belief but there was nothing i could do. There's only so many times you can watch the soaps on repeat or even Jeremy Kyle before you actually want to pull your hair out just to give you something else to concentrate on. Bed bound at the age of 22 is not a good look and not very cool. 

I had numerous heart problems and lots of pain. For all of this i was on heart tablets, blood thinners, stomach pills and anxiety pills to stop all of the heart palpitat
ions and the panic that came with them afterwards because sometimes they were really painful.
Not many people can say they've had 8 pills for breakfast with a good swag of Mucogel to wash them down just to stop them burning holes in my stomach!
All of this just because some idiots put something in my drink and i was unaware
Here was my usual breafast- what a way to start the day!

As we know, tietze's syndrome needs a chest injury or trama to occur and this was mine...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlotte,
    I'm happy to have found your blog...I have been to the hospital twice last week, with pain in my chest, thinking it was a Pulmunary Embolism which I had two years ago and the symptoms seemed similar - I had imaging / x-rays / blood work and urine sample - oh, and ultra sound on my gall bladder - I was told to come back to the hospital the next morning for a CT scan to determine if I did have gall stones or if I did have a PE - results were I didn't have either - they send me home I called my daughter in law whos an occupational massage therapist, she says 'mom it sounds like tietze syndrome' I said what? she explained it to me, and sure enough after more research on google this is what it is! but Charlotte there's numbness and now a rash in the front area of the rib cage and the back...I see my doctor tomorrow and at least I have some information to take with me -
    Take Care
