Sunday 9 January 2011

Diagnosis- Google Saved My Life

I shall make this as brief as possible...

Like many people, i went to the doctors surgery, sometimes 3 times a week, complaining of chest pain and palpitations (not because i couldn't get enough of the place neither hahaha). It was like a second home. I could spot the 'regulars' out by a mile. It was a bit like being in an unofficial group because they knew me and i knew them.  It was getting to the point where i was embarrassed to go in because i was literally recognised by the receptionists but with some of the states i have been in down there- i'm not really that bothered. All i wanted were tests to find the source of my pain. 
I was on so many tablets that i swear, if some giant hand had picked me up and shook me, i'd have rattled!!! i was on 16 tablets a day, 14 if it was a good day.

Getting to the surgery was an ordeal in itself as i needed taxis then i had to be literally dragged to the appropriate waiting room. Over the course of a year i have managed to see around 10 different doctors minumum and have changed my doctor 4 times. As you can tell... things were going great... NOT.

Anyways, nobody knew why i as hurting so much. The doctors had no clue, friends and family had no clue and after 10 months of being in constant pain, i had an epiphany...
... one of the things that had kept me sane throughout everything was my mobile phone as i had the internet on it so i could see what everyone in the real world was doing. I lay in bed with my phone and thought that everyone else was seeming to have a guess at what was wrong with me and i was a guinea pig with all of my medication because of the amount of allergic reactions i've had so why not have a guess myself. I mean, after having a huge swollen face as well as other allergic reactions AND enough paramedics around me to fill a small bingo hall,  I couldn't cause any harm by having a guess myself could i? That's when i 'googled it'  :-)
It was one of the most nerve wracking searches i've ever done. You know you're desperate when you're down to 'googling it' hahaha.
I typed in all of my symptoms and there the result was on every line and every search that Google produced... TIEZE TIETZE TIETZE.

I couldn't believe it that finally i knew what was wrong with me. I had Tietze's Syndrome. I wasn't going crazy, i wasn't anxious, it wasn't all in my head, infact my brain was fully intact!!!
Charlotte 1 - Doctor 0

I went to the doctors surgery the very next day with everything printed off hoping for a result finally but NO. A huge door was slammed in my face. Apparently tietze's syndrome is very rare and even if i had correctly diagnosed myself with Google of all things, it naturally goes away after 3 months blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.


So... i booked myself in with an acupuncture session because i had tried everything else and followed every bit of advice i had been given throughout my journey.

Acupuncture can be very expensive (£35 a session for me) but don't be put off. I went there a complete nervous wreck but i wanted to control tietze's for once and it not have control of me. She examined me and gave an instant diagnosis but said it was chronic.


Google had saved my life!

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